Re: Import

From: Alan Boyd (
Date: Mon Feb 19 2001 - 06:48:15 PST

Dear BUMmers,

Ask the Audience
    Many thanks to all those people who replied to my enquiry
    about reading WinNMR data sets when you have neither WinNMR,
    nor the original data. These are the solutions to this problem
    that I've tried, and they all work:

Phone a friend:
    Find someone who has a copy of WinNMR,
    ask them to read the data and either process it,
    or save it in JCAMP-DX format so you can process in XWinNMR.

    Open with Mestre-C, which is provided with an import converter
    for this purpose, then process the data as you wish.


    Open with SwaNMR using the 'Universal' import converter and
    a couple of items of information from the plain text '.DIS'
    parameter file. Then process the data as you wish.

It's also alleged that NUTS and ACD software can read WinNMR data sets, but
I haven't tried that.

Bruker has confirmed that there is no way to read the WinNMR data sets
_directly_ into XWinNMR.

That seems to be the Final Answer!

Thanks again everyone,



---------------------------------------------------- Dr A.S.F.Boyd Chemistry Department NMR Spectroscopist Heriot-Watt University phone: +44-131-451 3214 Riccarton fax: +44-131-451 3180 Edinburgh email: EH14 4AS Scotland -------------------------------------Made on a Mac--

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