Re: 2D 19F experiments

From: Sandip Sur (
Date: Tue Mar 27 2001 - 06:10:39 PST

Hi Bob,

We can do the following routine NMR involving 19F :

19F - 19F 2D-cosy or gradient cosy
1H - 19F 2D correlation (hetcor)
1H decoupled 19F nmr -- both CPD and selective
19F decoupled 1H nmr -- both CPD and selective
19F decoupled 13C nmr -- both CPD and selective
1H - 19F 1d noe

All experiments work well and I tested each experiment. I have some
step-by-step instructions to do them. I am still working on others. All
experiments require at least two channels with 1H/19F capability on one and
BB capability on the other. At least Z-gradient for the gradient cosy

Let me know if you need further help.


>Hi all,
> Has anyone played around with homonuclear 2D 19F experiments? I'd
>like to get pulse programs for COSY and NOESY for an ARX-500 system.

                        *** BEST WISHES FOR 2001 ***

Sandip K. Sur, Ph.D. Email: (W)
Manager and Application Scientist
NMR Facility
Department of Chemistry Tel.: (716) 275 4705 (W)
B53B Hutchison Hall (716) 275 0912 (W)
River Campus (716) 586 7794 (H)
University of Rochester Pager: (716) 275-4231 (ask for me)
Rochester, NY 14627-0216 Fax: (716) 473 6889
Tuesday, March 27, 2001

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