Cell phone transmission towers

From: Alan Tracey (tracey@sfu.ca)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2005 - 11:36:34 PST

Recently, a cell phone receive/transmit tower was installed without
consultation on one of our University buildings.

Has anyone had problems with the towers shutting off the ecoupler/router in
AMX spectrometers or giving rise to any other problems.

Since the cell unit was activated, both our 400 and 600 spectrometers,
which are located about 150 m from each other, have been shutting down the
transmitter in an intermittent and unreproducible fashion. The shutdown
does not terminate the accumulation sequence just the pulse transmission.

Perhaps there is another cause?



A. S. Tracey
Department of Chemistry
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, B. C., V5A 1S6

email: tracey@sfu.ca
Tel.: 1 604 291 4464 Fax.: 1 604 291 3765

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