3D hnha

From: Hussan, Syed (NIH/NIDDK) [F] (hussans@niddk.nih.gov)
Date: Tue Dec 23 2008 - 07:03:28 PST

Hi Bruker users. A small question: I ran a 3d hnha experiment using
pulse program available in bruker's pp library to calculate the HN-HA
coupling constants. In 3d processed spectra every xy plan should display
cross peaks and diagonal peaks with opposite phase but I do not see
diagonal peaks in 3d processed spectra or in 2d xy processed spectra.
However I do see diagonal peaks in 2d xz (HN-N) processed spectra. I
processed with NMRpipe and apparently nothing wrong in processing
script. Can any one guide me if there could be some thing wrong in
acquisition parameter setting or any parameter is especially crucial to
see diagonal peaks? I would highly appreciate any one's response


Happy holidays



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