MetCor Version 0.8b **DIRECTORY GUIDE** Additional: Additional macros and scripts. Prog: Main program folder Documentation: Software User-Guide. Examples: Examples of analyses by MetCor, as mentioned in the MetCor user guide. **INSTALLATION AND OPERATION ON WINDOWS BASED PLATFORMS** 1. Run the MetCor setup file and follow installation directions. 2. MetCor can be run by clicking on the **INSTALLATION AND OPERATION ON UNIX BASED PLATFORMS** 1. Install the Java Runtime Environment (any build of version 1.6) to your system 2. Unpack the .tar.gz file to a directory of your choice. This will be the directory in which MetCor will run 3. Start MetCor from the "Prog" folder from the command line by entering: " java -jar DensityNorth.jar The "-Xmx" flag can be used to assign a maximum heapspace to java, which is recommended for larger calculations. For example, java -jar DensityNorth.jar -Xmx1024m is the command to run MetCor with a maximum memory usage of 1024 MB. 4. Alternatively, MetCor can be run by creating launchers or shortcuts to the DensityNorth jarfile with the same commands as above.