Health & Safety Training
Dean of Science has mandated that the following Health and Safety courses
are manadatory:
Office WHMIS or Core
WHMIS - mandatory: those using chemicals must take the Core WHMIS program otherwise office staff
should take Office WHMIS
Fire Safety – mandatory for all and all occupants of chemical labs are required to take
this course annually
Chemical Handling – if you are using chemicals in any location it
is mandatory that you take this course annually
Spills Management – if you are using chemicals or other substances
that may cause a spill it is mandatory that you take this course annually
Asbestos Awareness - mandatory for all
Slips, Trips & Falls - mandatory for all
Ergonomics - mandatory for all
Lock out/Tag out - if you are working in a laboratory, it is mandatory that you take this training
Due Diligence - this course reviews
Supervisor's duties & responsibilities under the Ontario Occupational
Health and Safety Act as well as provides tools and information to assist
supervisors in fulfilling their workplace role.If this role applies to
you, you must take this course
tri-annually.( This applies to all faculty
as well as graduate students who supervise in their role as TA's.)
HF – if you are working with or
in the immediate vicinity of anyone
using hydrogen fluoride it is mandatory that you take this training
If you use or are involved in any of the following, you must have training: (Please ask your supervisor if you are unsure if you need training)
- Autoclave
- Bio Level 3 Training
- Biosafety
- Fall Protection
- Fit Testing
- Gas Cylinder
- Hydrogen Fluoride
- Laser Safety (class 3b & 4)
- Radiation Safety
- Specialized Biosafety A.F.
- Violence in the Workplace