Adroha Bhattacharya
Adroha Bhattacharya
B.Sc. University of Calcutta, 2005
M.Sc. IIT Kharagpur, 2007
Current Position: Ph.D. student
Phone: x23715
Project: The Steric and Electronic Effects on the Reactivities of Diarylsilylenes
1. W.J. Leigh,* G.D. Potter, L.A. Huck, and A. Bhattacharya, “Competing Germene and Germylene Extrusion from Photolysis of 1,1-Diarylgermacyclobutanes. Substituent Effects on Germene Reactivity”, Organometallics 27, 5948-5959 (2008)
Group 14 Reactive Intermediates