Cam Harrington

Cam Harrington

PhD McMaster University, 2006
BSc McMaster University, 1999

Position: Research Scientist, Syngenta Inc.

Research: Organogermanium reactive intermediates



9. W.J. Leigh,* L.A. Huck, E. Held, and C.R. Harrington, "The Photochemistry of a Potential Diphenylsilylene Precursor. Time-resolved Spectroscopic Studies of the Reactivity of a Transient Vinylsilirane", Silicon Chemistry, submitted.

8. R. Becerra, C.R. Harrington, W.J. Leigh, L.A. Kefala, and R. Walsh*, "First detection of methylgermylene in the gas-phase and time resolved study of some of its reactions", Organometallics, submitted.

7. W.J. Leigh,* F. Lollmahomed, and C.R. Harrington, "Time-resolved Spectroscopic Studies of the Reactivities of Dimethylgermylene and Tetramethyldigermene in Solution", Organometallics, 25, 2055-2065. [Get Reprint | [Supporting Information]

6. R. Becerra, P.P. Gaspar,* C.R. Harrington, W.J. Leigh,* I. Vargas-Baca, R. Walsh,* and D. Zhou, "Direct Detection of Dimethylstannylene and Tetramethyldistannene in Solution and the Gas Phase by Laser Flash Photolysis of 1,1-Dimethylstannacyclopent-3-enes", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 17469-17478 (2005). [Get Reprint | [Supporting Information]

5. C.R. Harrington, W.J. Leigh,* B.K. Chan, P.P. Gaspar, and D. Zhou, "Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Studies of the Photochemistry of Some Diphenylgermylene (Ph2Ge:) Precursors", Can. J. Chem., 83, 1324-1338 (2005). [Get Reprint]

4. W.J. Leigh* and C.R. Harrington, "Di- and Trivalent Organogermanium Reactive Intermediates. Kinetics and Mechanisms of Some Reactions of Diphenylgermylene and Tetraphenyldigermene in Solution.", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 5084-5096 (2005). [Get Reprint] | [Supporting Information]

3. W.J. Leigh,* C.R. Harrington, and I. Vargas-Baca, "Organogermanium Reactive Intermediates. The Direct Detection and Characterization of Transient Germylenes and Digermenes in Solution", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 16105-16116 (2004). [Get Reprint] | [Supporting Information]

2. V. Lemierre, A. Chrostowska,* A. Dargelos, P. Baylère, W.J. Leigh,* and C.R. Harrington, "Flash Vacuum Thermolysis of 3,4-Dimethyl-1-germacyclopent-3-enes. UV Photoelectron Spectroscopic Characterization of GeH2 and GeMe2", Appl. Organomet. Chem., 18, 676-683 (2004). [Get Reprint]

1. T.R. Owens, C.R. Harrington, T.C.S. Pace, and W.J. Leigh*, "Steric Effects on Silene Reactivity. The Effects of ortho-Methyl Substituents on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Reactions of 1,1-Diarylsilenes with Nucleophiles", Organometallics, 22, 5518-5525 (2003). [Get Reprint] [Supporting Information]

See: W.J. Leigh | McMaster Chemistry | McMaster University
