Edward C. Lathioor

PhD McMaster University 2001

Current Position: Lecturer, Dept. of Chemistry, Brock University

Graduate Research: Hydrogen abstraction from phenols by aromatic ketone triplets

Internet: elathioo@chemiris.labs.brocku.ca


4. E.C. Lathioor and W.J. Leigh,* "Geometric and Solvent Effects on Intramolecular Phenolic Hydrogen Abstraction by Carbonyl n,p* and p,p* Triplets", Can. J. Chem., in press.

3. J. Andraos,* E.C. Lathioor, and W.J. Leigh, "Simultaneous pH-rate profiles applied to the two step consecutive sequence A®B®C: a theoretical analysis and experimental verification", J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 2000, 365-373 (2000).

2. E.C. Lathioor, W.J. Leigh,* and M.J. St. Pierre, "Geometrical Effects on Intramolecular Quenching of Aromatic Ketone (p,p*) Triplets by Remote Phenolic Hydrogen Abstraction", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 11984-11992 (1999). [Get Reprint]

1. W. J. Leigh,* E. C. Lathioor, and M. J. St. Pierre, "Photoinduced Hydrogen Abstraction from Phenols by Aromatic Ketones. A New Mechanism for Hydrogen Abstraction by Carbonyl n,p* and p,p* Triplets." J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118, 12339-12348 (1996).


W.J. Leigh | McMaster Chemistry | McMaster University
