164. B. Behnam Azad, R. Ashique, R.V. Chirakal, G.J. Schrobilgen "Selective Fluorination of m-tyrosine", J. Fluorine Chem. 2008, 129, 22-27.
165. K. Koppe, H-J. Frohn, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, “[C6F5Xe]+ salts with Weakly Coordinating Borate Anions, [BY4]- (Y = CF3, C6F5, CN)", Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 3205-3217.
166. G.L. Smith, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Synthesis of [F5SN(H)Xe][AsF6] and their Characterization by Multi-NMR and Raman Spectroscopy, Electronic Structure Calculations and X-ray Crystallography", Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 4173-4184.
167. J.F. Lehmann, S. Riedel, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Behavior of BrO3F and ClO3F Toward Strong Lewis Acids and the Characterization of [XO2][SbF6] (X = Cl, Br) by Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction, Raman Spectroscopy, and Computational Methods", Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 8343-8356.
168. S. Brownridge, L. Calhoun, H.D.B. Jenkins, R.S. Laitinen, M. Murchie, J. Passmore, J. Pietikäinen, J.M. Rautiainen, J.C.P. Sanders, G.J. Schrobilgen, R.J. Suontamo, H.M. Tuononen, J.U. Valkonen, C.-M. Wong, "77Se NMR Spectroscopic and DFT MO Investigations of the Reversible Dissociation of solid (Se6I2)[AsF6]2·2SO2 in liquid SO2 to Solutions Containing Se6I22+ in Equilibrium with Sen2+ (n= 4, 8, 10) and 7 Binary Selenium Iodine cations; Preliminary Evidence for Br2SeSeSeSeBr22+ & cyclo-Se7Br+", Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 1938-1959.
169. M. Hughes, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Os2O4F6+; "Synthesis and X-ray Crystal Structure of (OsO3F2)2·2XeOF4 and the Raman Spectra of (OsO3F2)inf, (OsO3F2)2, and (OsO3F2)2·2XeOF4", Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 4478-4490.
170. G.L. Smith, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "HF Solvolysis and Solid-State Rearrangement of [F3SNXeF][AsF6]; Syntheses & Structural Characterizations of [F4S=NXe][AsF6] & [F4S=NH2][AsF6]", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 7272-7286.
171. G.L. Smith, G.J. Schrobilgen, "On the Reactivity of F3SNXeF+; Synthesis and Structural Characterization of [F4S=N–Xe---NSF3][AsF6], a Rare Example of an N–Xe–N Linkage, and [F3S(NSF3)2][AsF6]", Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 7714-7728.
172. Michael Gerken, Bernard E. Pointner, Matthew Moran, G.J. Schrobilgen, H.P.A. Mercier, Jerry A. Boatz, Berthold Hoge, and Karl O. Christe, "On the XeF+/H2O System: Synthesis and Characterization of the Xenon(II) Oxide Fluoride Cation, FXeFXeOXeF+", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 13474-13489.
173. M. Hughes, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, ""Fluoride Ion Donor Properties of cis-OsO2F4; Synthesis, Raman Spectroscopic Study, and X-ray Crystal Structure of [OsO2F3][Sb2F11]", Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49, 271-284.
174. D. Brock, Jonathan J. Casalis de Pury, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, B. Silvi, "A Rare Example of a KrF2 Coordination Compound; [BrOF2][AsF6]·2KrF2", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 3533-3542 (highlighted in (1) Nature Chemistry, Research Highlights, N. Withers, "Group 18 Compounds: The Krypton Factor", 2010, 2, 342.
175. M. Hughes, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Syntheses, Raman Spectra, and X-ray Crystal Structures of [XeF5][µ-F(OsO3F2)2] and [M][OsO3F3] (M = XeF5+, Xe2F11+)", Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49, 3501-3515.
176. M. Hughes, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Syntheses and Multi-NMR Study of fac-OsO3F2(NCCH3) and mer-OsO3F2(NCCH3) and the X-Ray Crystal Structure (n = 2) and Raman Spectrum (n = 0) of fac-OsO3F2(NCCH3).nCH3CN, Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 4768-4780 (Inorganic Chemistry journal cover article).
177. D. Brock, Jonathan J. Casalis de Pury, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, B. Silvi, "XeF2 Coordination to a Main Group Center; Raman Spectra (n = 1, 2) and X-ray Crystal Structures (n = 1) of [BrOF2][AsF6]·nXeF2 and [XOF2][AsF6] (X = Cl, Br)", Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49, 6673-6689.
178. D. Brock, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "An Example of an AX3YE2 VSEPR Arrangement; Syntheses and Structural Characterizations of [M][XeOF3] (M = Cs, N(CH3)4)", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 10935-10943.
179. H. Elliot, J. Lehmann, H.P.A. Mercier, H.D. Jenkins, G.J. Schrobilgen, "X-ray Crystal Structures of [XeF][MF6] (M = As, Sb, Bi), [XeF][M2F11] (M = Sb, Bi) and Estimated Thermochemical Data and Predicted Stabilities for Noble-Gas Fluorocation Salts using Volume-based Thermodynamics", Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49, 8504-8523.
180. N. Vasdev, M.D. Moran, H.M. Tuononen, R. Chirakal, R.J. Suontamo, A.D. Bain, G.J. Schrobilgen, "NMR Spectroscopic Evidence for the Intermediacy of XeF3–; in XeF2/F–; Exchange, Attempted Syntheses and Thermochemistry of XeF3–; Salts, and Theoretical Studies of the XeF3–; Anion in the Gas-Phase and in Solution", Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49, 8997-9004.
181. M.D. Moran, D. Brock, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Xe3OF3+, a Precursor to a Noble-Gas Nitrate; Syntheses and Structural Characterizations of FXeONO2, XeF2·HNO3, and XeF2·N2O4", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 13823-13839.
182. D.S. Brock, G.J. Schrobilgen, "The Missing Oxide of Xenon, XeO2, & Its Implications for the Earth’s Missing Xenon", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133, 6265-6269 (Journal of the American Chemical Society journal cover article; also highlighted in: (1) Chemical & Engineering News, "The Case of the Missing Xenon", 2011, 89 (9), 10; (2) Nature, Research Highlights, "Chemistry: Where did the xenon go?", 2011, 471, 138; (3) Chemistry World, News, "Earth's missing xenon could be hiding in quartz", 2011, March); (4) Canadian Chemical News, "Xenon Dioxide May Help to Solve One of Earth’s Mysteries", 2011, May, 9; (5) Aktuel Naturvidenskab, "På Sporet af den Forsvundne Xenon", 2011, June, 6; (6) Nachrichten aus der Chemie, "XeO2, ein Edelgasoxid mit Kovalenter Netzwerstruktur".
183. M. Hughes, D.S. Brock, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "A Raman Spectroscopic Study of the XeOF4/XeF2 System and the X-ray Crystal Structure of a-XeOF4·XeF2", J. Fluorine Chem., 2011, 132, 660-668.
184. G.L. Smith, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Ennobling an Old Molecule: Thiazyl Trifluoride (N=SF3), a Versatile Synthon for Xe_N Bond Formation", Inorg. Chem., 2011, 49, 12359-12373 (Forum Article).
185. R. Betz, G.J. Schrobilgen, "The Synthesis of XeF2: a Predictable Outcome with a Significant Chemistry", Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2012, 638, 1385-1388.
186. D.S. Brock, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "[H(OXeF2)n][AsF6] and [FXeII(OXeIVF2)n][AsF6] (n = 1, 2); Examples of Xenon(IV) Hydroxide Fluoride and Oxide Fluoride Cations; and the Crystal Structures of [F3Xe---FH][Sb2F11] and [H5F4][SbF6]·2[F3Xe---FH][Sb2F11]", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135, 5089-5104.
187. M.V. Ivanova, T. Kochner, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "The Synthesis and Lewis Acid Properties of ReO3F; the X-ray Crystal Structures of FO3Re(FH)2·HF and [N(CH3)4]2[µ3-O(FReO3)3]·CH3CN", Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52, 6806-6819.
188. I.M. Shlyapnikov, E.A. Goreshnik, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, Z. Mazej, "Synthesis and Characterization of Imidazolium Poly[perfluorotitanate(IV)] Salts Containing the [TiF6]2–, ([Ti2F9]–)inf, [Ti2F11]3–, and the New [Ti4F20]4– and [Ti5F23]3– Anions", Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52, 8315-8326.
189. J.R. Debackere, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Noble-Gas Difluoride Complexes of Mercury(II); the Structures and Syntheses of Hg(OTeF5)2·1.5NgF2 (Ng = Xe, Kr) and Hg(OTeF5)2", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136, 3888-3903 (also highlighted in "Anorganische Chemie 2014" Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2015, 63, 227-255).
190. G. Wang, M. Zhou, J. T. Goettel, G.J. Schrobilgen, J. Su, J. Li, T. Schlöder, S. Riedel " Identification of an Iridium-Containing Compound with a Formal Oxidation State of IX", Nature, 2014, 514, 475-477 (also highlighted in: (1) S. K. Ritter, "Iridium Dressed to the Nines", Chemical & Engineering News - News of the week 2014, 92, 7; (2) E. Stove, "Chemistry World: Iridium Forms Compound in +9 Oxidation State", Chemistry World News 2014, October; (3) T. Lougheed, "It's all Relative when Rewriting Oxidation States Limits", Canadian Chemical News, 2015, January/February, 21; (4) P. Pyykkö, W-H. Xu, " The Formal Oxidation States of Iridium Now Run from -III to + IX", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 1080-1081; (5) S. K. Ritter, " Iridium Dressed to the Nines", Chemical & Engineering News, Top Chemistry Research of 2014; (6) S. Herres-Pawlis, "Oxidationsstufenrekord fur Ir", Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Notizen 2014, 62, 1159).
191. K. Koppe, J. Haner, H.P.A. Mercier, H.-J. Frohn, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Xenon(IV)-Carbon Bond of [C6F5XeF2]+; Structural Characterization and Bonding of [C6F5XeF2][BF4], [C6F5XeF2][BF4]·2HF, [C6F5XeF2][BF4]·nNCCH3 (n = 1, 2), and the Fluorinating Properties of [C6F5XeF2][BF4]", Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53, 11640-11661 (also highlighted in "Anorganische Chemie 2014" Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 2015, 63, 227-255).
192. J. Haner, G. J. Schrobilgen, "The Chemistry of Xenon(IV)", Chem. Rev. 2015, 115, 1255-1925.
193. J.R. Debackere, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Pentafluoro-oxotellurate(VI) Anions of Mercury(II); the Syntheses and Structures of [Hg(OTeF5)4]2-, [Hg(OTeF5)5]3-, [Hg2(OTeF5)6]2-, [Hg(OTeF5)4]2-·Hg(OTeF5)2, and [Hg2(OTeF5)7]3-·Hg(OTeF5)2", Inorg. Chem., 2015, 54, 1606-1626.
194. T. Vent-Schmidt, J.T. Goettel, G.J. Schrobilgen, S. Riedel "Ultraviolet Photolysis Studies on XeO4 in Noble-Gas and F2 Matrices and the Formation and Characterization of a New XeVIII Oxide, (n2-O2)XeO3 Chem.-Eur. J., 2015, 21, 11244-11252.
195. K. Matsumoto, H. Haner, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen "Syntheses and Structures of F6XeNCCH3 and F6Xe(NCCH3)2·CH3CN· Ang. Chem. Intl. Ed., 2015, 54, 14169-14173, published as a VIP (Very Important Paper) (highlighted in (1) S. K. Ritter, "Xenon Expands its Molecular Portfolio", Chemical & Engineering News - Concentrates 2015, 93, 29).
196. T. Vent-Schmidt, J.R. Debackere, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen "Thiazyl Trifluoride (NSF3) Adducts and Imidodifluorosulfate (F2OSN-) Derivatives of Hg(OTeF5)2· Inorg. Chem., 2015, 54, 9989-10000.
197. M.V. Ivanova, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen "[XeOXeOXe]2+, the missing Oxide of Xenon(II); Synthesis, Raman Spectrum, and X-ray Crystal Structure of [XeOXeOXe][µ-F(ReO2F3)2]2 O4 in Noble-Gas and F2 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 13398-13413 (highlighted in:(1) S.K. Ritter "Xenon Expands its Molecular Portfolio", Chemical & Engineering News - Concentrates 2015, 93, 29.
198. H. Haner, K. Matsumoto, H.P.A. Mercier, G.J. Schrobilgen, "Nature of the XeVI-N Bonds in F6XeNCCH3 and F6Xe(NCCH3)2 and the stereochemical Activities of Their Xenon Valence Electron Pairs Chem.-Eur. J., 2016, xx, xxx-xxx.
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