PP Presentation


What is O.N. of S in H2SO4 ?

• H has an O.N. of

• O has an O.N. of

• 2 * O.N. (H) + 4 * O.N. (O) =

- overall charge of molecule is 0

therefore O.N. of S in H2SO4 is :

What is O.N. of N in HNO3 ?

• H has an O.N. of

• O has an O.N. of

• O.N. (H) + 3 * O.N. (O) =

- overall charge of molecule is 0,

therefore O.N. of N in HNO3 is :

this shows the nitrate group: “ NO3 “ has a net O.N. of

(and thus a charge) of

THUS the O.N. of Ag in AgNO3 is

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