Dr. J. D. Laposa Due November 6, 1998

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1. A microwave oven heats by radiating food with microwave energy, which is absorbed by the food and converted to heat. Suppose such an oven's radiation wavelength is 10.0 cm. A container with 200 g of water was placed in the oven, and the temperature of the liquid water rose from 20.0oC to 90.0oC. How many photons of this microwave radiation were required? Assume that all of the energy of the radiation was used to raise the temperature of the water.

Ephoton = hc/(lambda)
Ephoton = [6.62 x 10-34 J s x 3.00 x 108 m/s x 102 cm/m]/10.0 cm
= 1.99 x 10-24 J
This is the energy supplied by one photon, expressed as J/photon.

Energy required to warm the water is:
E = 200 g x 4.184 J/(g deg) x 70.0 deg = 5.86 x 104 J
Thus, # photons required = [5.86 x 104 J]/[1.99 x 10-24 J/photon]
number of photons required = 2.94 x 1028

2. Using bond energy data, determing whether the reaction

HCN(g) + 2H2(g) = CH3NH2(g)

is endothermic or exothermic. Be sure to draw Lewis structures for all reactants and products. Note that CH3NH2 has H of NH3 replaced by a CH3 group.

When one draws appropriate Lewis structures, it can be seen that the bonds to be broken (in the reactants) are hydrogen-carbon single bonds, carbon-nitrogen triple bonds, and hydrogen-hydrogen single bonds. As well, the bonds to be formed (in the products) are carbon-hydrogen single bonds, carbon-nitrogen single bonds, and nitrogen-hydrogen single bonds.

Delta H = Sum of bond enthalpies of reactants - Sum of bond enthalpies of products.
Following Kotz and Treichel, we designate bond enthalpies by D.
Delta H = DH-C + DC-N (triple bond) + 2 DH-H - DC-N - 3 DH-C - 2 DN-H.
Delta H = [414 + 891 + 2(436) - 293 - 3(414) - 2(389)]kJ
Delta H = -136 kJ (exothermic)

3.a) In each of the following sets, which atom or ion has the smallest radius?

i) O+, O, O-

Cation is smaller than atom; anion is larger than atom. O+ is smallest.

ii) S, Cl, Se

Size decreases across a period, and increases down a group. Cl is smallest.

iii) Li, N, F

Size decreases across a period. F is smallest.

b) In each of the following sets, which atom or ion has the smallest ionization energy?

i) Ne, Cl, Ar

I.E. decreases as go down a group, and increases as go across a period. Cl has smallest I.E.

ii) Rb, Cs, Ba

I.E. decreases as go down a group, and increases as go across a period. Cs has smallest I.E.

iii) O2-, O, O-

All three species have the same nucleus, but have differing number of electrons. O2- has smallest I.E.

c) Using data from Chapter 8 of Kotz and Treichel, determine, in kJ/mol, the ionization energy of Cl- and the electron affinity of Cl+.

The ionization energy of Cl- refers to Cl-(g) --> Cl(g) + e-

This process is the reverse of the E.A. for Cl(g).

I.E. here = +349.0 kJ/mol

The electron affinity for Cl+ refers to Cl+ + e- --> Cl(g)

This process is the reverse of the I.E. for Cl(g)(see Fig 8.13).

E.A. here = -1251 kJ/mol

4. For the following molecules and ions (note that both HPO4- and HSO3- have H bonded to O):

F2O, HPO42-, SeF4, IBr3, HSO3-, BrO3-

a) draw Lewis structures (including resonance forms where appropriate);

b) categorize each species according to the AXnEm nomenclature;

c) name the shape of the species;

d) predict whether those species which are neutral molecules will have a dipole moment;

e) for all the species that contain oxygen atoms, calculate the bond order of the central atom to oxygen bonds.


F2O has 20 valence electrons. Its Lewis structure is

The molecule is AX2E2, and has a bent geometry. It has a dipole moment. The two O-F bonds have B.O. = 1.


HPO42- has 32 valence electrons. Its Lewis structure is

The ion is AX4 around P, and has a tetrahedral geometry. B.O. = 1.0 for P-O of P-O-H, and B.O. = 4/3 for P-O with no H.


SeF4 has 34 valence electrons. Its Lewis structure is

The molecule is AX4E, and has a seesaw geometry. It has a dipole moment.


IBr3 has 28 valence electrons. Its Lewis structure is

The molecule is AX3E2, and has a T-shaped geometry. It has a dipole moment.

HSO3- (H is bonded to O);

HSO3- has 26 valence electrons. Its Lewis structure is

The molecule is AX3E around S, and has a triangular pyramidal geometry around S. The S-O B.O. for the S-O-H bond is 1.0; the other S-O B.O.s are 1.5.


BrO3- has 26 valence electrons. Its Lewis structure is

The ion is AX3E, and has a triangular pyramidal geometry. The Br-O B.O. is 5/3.

5. Draw resonance structures and predict bond orders and bond angles for the following:

a) NO2Cl (N is the central atom);

NO2Cl has 24 valence electrons. Its Lewis structure is

N-Cl has a B.O. of 1.0; N-O has a B.O of 1.5; all bond angles are 120o.

b) SO32-.

SO32- has 26 valence electrons. Its Lewis structure is

S-O B.O. = 4/3. All bond angles are less than 109.5o.

6. Place the species below in the order of increasing bond length for the N-O bond;

H2NOH (N is the central atom, and one H is bonded to O), NNO,NO+, NO2-, NO3-.

The Lewis structures are:

The N-O B.O. for H2NOH is 1.0.

The N-O B.O.for NNO is 1.5.

The N-O B.O. for NO+ is 3.0.

The N-O B.O. for NO2- is 1.5.

The N-O B.O.for NO3- is 4/3.

The order of increasing bond lengths is: NO+ < NO2- = NNO < NO3- < H2NOH.

7. 1.00 g PCl5 is introduced into a 250 mL flask, the flask is heated to 250oC, and the dissociation of PCl5 is allowed to reach equilibrium according to PCl5(g) = PCl3(g) + Cl2(g). The quantity of Cl2(g) present at equilibrium is found to be 0.250 g. What is the value of the equilibrium constant Kc for this reaction at 250oC?

1.00 g/(208.2 g/mol) = 4.80 x 10-3 moles PCl5

Set up an array of moles, and then convert to concentrations, to find Kc.

Initial4.80 x 10-30 0
Change-xx x
Equilibrium4.80 x 10-3 -xx x

We are given that x = 0.250 g/(70.90 g/mol) = 3.53 x 10-3 moles.

Kc = {(x/0.250)2}/{(4.80 x 10-3 -x)/0.250}

Kc = 3.92 x 10-2 mol/L

8. For the equilibrium CaCO3(s) = CaO(s) + CO2(g), Kp = 1.16 atm at 800 oC. If 20.0 g of CaCO3 is put into a 10.0 L container and heated to 800 oC, what percent of the CaCO3 would remain undissociated at equilibrium?

Kp = PCO2

One can calulate the equilibrium moles of CO2 from PV = nRT:

n = PV/RT = [(1.16 atm)(10.0 L)]/[(0.0821 L atm mol-1 K-1)(1073 K)] = 0.132 mol

moles CaCO3 initially present = 20.0 g/(100.1 g/mol) = 0.200 mol

% unreacted = (moles unreacted)/(moles originally present) x 100%

% unreacted = (0.200-0.132)/(0.200) x 100 % = 34.0 %