Chem2O6 - 1996/97

Class Test #1 ANSWERS October 30, 1996

1. When nitromethane (pKa 10.2) and 4-methoxypyridine (pKa 7.0) are mixed together in water, the following acid-base equilibrium is established:

Structures CT1 #1

(a) Draw complete Lewis line-dot structures for ...

(b) Draw resonance structures for the two ions on the right-hand side of the equilibrium, and for each, indicate which are major contributors.

(c) For the -CH2NO2 anion, identify the hybridization of the ... carbon:    sp2 ... nitrogen:    sp2 ... oxygens:    sp2 and    sp2.

(d) What is the orientation of the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom of 4-methoxypyridine with respect to the plane of the ring?    in the plane (parallel)  

(e) Does the equilibrium lie on the right-hand side (RHS) or the left-hand side (LHS)?    LHS  

(f) The standard free energy for this reaction is Go =    +18.2   kJ/mol at 25 oC.


Go = -RTln Keq = -2.303RTlog Keq

Keq = KaNM / KaMP      (NM = nitromethane; MP = 4-methoxypyridine)

log Keq = log KaNM - log KaMP

             = pKaMP - pKaNM

             = -3.2

Go = -2.303(0.0083)(298)(-3.2) = 18.2 kJ/mol.

2. For the following reaction, in all steps of the equation,

(i) complete the Lewis structures for the pertinent parts of the molecules,

(ii) label the nucleophiles ("N") and electrophiles ("E"), and

(iii) draw curly arrows showing the movement of electrons that take place to convert reactants to products.

See: Ege, Problem 4.21(b)

3. Draw line structures for the following compounds (using wedge-dash notation where necessary), and label all stereocenters with a *. For each compound, identify the number of stereoisomers it has.

(a) 1-chloro-3-ethyl-4-methylpentane

(b) 4-(1-methylethyl-5-methyl-2-phenyl-3-hexanol

4. Draw and name all the stereoisomers that are possible for the following compound. Identify the enantiomers and diastereomers.

5. The chair conformation of fluorocyclohexane in which the fluorine atom occupies the equatorial position is 0.8 kJ/mol lower in energy than the conformation in which the fluorine occupies the axial position.

(a) Draw the two chair conformations of fluorocyclohexane and indicate by the length of arrows between the two, which conformer predominates at equilibrium.

(b) Draw the two chair conformations of trans-1-fluoro-3-methylcyclohexane and indicate by the length of arrows between the two, which conformer you would expect to predominate at equilibrium.

6. (a) A compound with the molecular formula C7H12 has    2    sites of unsaturation. Thus, the molecule contains either    1 triple bond   ,    2 double bonds   ,    1 ring and 1 double bond   , or    2 rings    (there are four possibilities). For each of the four categories of compounds given as possibilities for the molecular formula C7H12, draw one structural formula.

(b) Adding 2 moles of hydrogen to the compound gives 2,3-dimethylpentane. In light of this evidence, what structures are possible for the C7H12 compound?

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12nov96; wjl