Concordia University
August 25-26, 2000

The Fifth Annual RISE Workshop was held on August 25-26, 2000, at Concordia University in Montreal. The Workshop began on Friday evening with a wine and cheese mixer, which provided the 2000 RISE Scholars, faculty participants, industry representatives, and a number of RISE Alumni to meet and get acquainted with one another. The next day opened with a seminar by Dr. Michael Gresser of the Merck Frosst Centre for Therapeutic Research, one of the sponsors of the 2000 RISE program, entitled "The Discovery of Vioxx, A Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitor to Treat Pain and Inflammation". This was followed by the presentations of the twelve 2000 RISE Scholars, and finally a seminar by one of the past year's new faculty participants, Professor John Scheffer of the University of British Columbia. His talk was entitled "In the Footsteps of Pasteur: Asymmetric Induction in the Photochemistry of Crystalline Ammonium Carboxylate Salts". The day ended with dinner at Aldo's, one of Montreal's many fine Italian restaurants.

The 2000 RISE Group owes special thanks to the Department of Chemistry and Faculty of Arts and Science of Concordia University for hosting the meeting and providing support for the workshop, and to Saint Jean Photochemicals for providing T-shirts to commemorate the event. We also thank Saint Jean Photochemicals, the Merck Frosst Centre for Therapeutic Research, the Xerox Research Centre of Canada, Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Inc., AstraZeneca R&D, and Fisher Scientific for financial support of this year's program.

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