Concordia University, Loyola Campus
Montréal, QC, August 25-26, 2005

The Tenth Annual RISE Workshop was held on August 25-26, 2005, at the Loyola Campus of Concordia University in Montréal. The Workshop began on Friday evening with a mixer at Brutopia, a pub in the downtown area, which allowed the twelve 2005 RISE Scholars, faculty participants, and some of the Concordia faculty and other guests to meet and get acquainted with one another. The Workshop began at 9:00 a.m. the next morning, with presentations from the students on the research they carried out during the summer and lectures by special guests Dr. John Gillard (Aegara Therapeutics), Dr. Deborah Nicoll-Griffith (Merck-Frosst Canada), and Professor Gonzola Cosa (McGill University).  Dr. Gillard gave a short account of his career in the pharmaceutical industry and an overview of activities at Aegera Therapeutics, while Dr. Nicoll-Griffith described the importance of research in photochemistry and the chemistry of reactive intermediates to medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in a lecture entitled "Xenobiotic Reactive Intermediates: Sunlight and Cytochrome 450".  Professor Cosa ended the scientific portion of the program with a lecture entitled "Investigating the Structure and Dynamics of Complex Chemical Systems One Molecule at a Time: Single Molecule Spectroscopy as a Mechanistic Tool".  The day wrapped up with an outstanding meal at local restaurant le Convivial.

The 2005 RISE Group owes special thanks to Concordia University, Merck Frosst Canada, Faculté des arts et des sciences - Université de Montréal, Waters Canada, Aegera Therapeutics, Fisher Scientific Canada, and Agilent Technologies for financial support, and Dr. Michelle Chretien of Concordia University (a former RISE Scholar herself) for her dedication and hard work in organizing most aspects of the Workshop.

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01sep05; wjl