The University of Waterloo
August 26, 1996

The First Annual RISE Workshop was held on Monday, August 26th, 1996, at the University of Waterloo. The five 1996 RISE Scholars - Kazim Agha (Dalhousie University), Martin Byloos (University of Ottawa), Monica Kaila (University of Victoria), Todd Melville (University of Waterloo) and Olga Rinco (McMaster University) gave talks on their summer projects, and fielded questions from the audience. It was clear that the RISE programme provided them with a unique learning experience, as was shown by their outstanding presentations and sure-footed responses to the lively discussions which followed. Congratulations to all! Talks were also presented by Professors Ann English (Concordia University) and Robert McClelland (University of Toronto), who are joining the programme this year along with Professor Arthur Szabo (University of Windsor). During a short discussion of the coming year's programme, it was agreed that the 1997 RISE Workshop will be held at Dalhousie University in Halifax. The workshop ended with dinner at a classy restaurant in downtown Waterloo, providing a suitable end to an exciting day and an unforgettable summer.


11:00 am Business meeting (faculty participants only) -Chemistry 2, Room 361
1:00 pm Welcome Monica Barra
1:05 pm R.A. McClelland Flash Photolysis Studies of Arylnitrenium Ions
1:50 pm Monica Kaila The Effect of 'Spectators' on Photoreactions in Zeolite Cages
2:10 pm Martin Byloos Far-UV Laser Flash Photolysis of a Silacyclobutene
2:30 pm Olga Rinco Investigation of Dynamic Processes in Bile Salt Aggregates
2:50 pm Coffee Break
3:10 pm Todd Melville Probing Zeolites with Reactive Intermediates
3:30 pm Kazim Agha The Photochemistry of Guest molecules in Calixarenes and ß-Cyclodextrin Solid Complexes
3:50 pm Ann M. English Reactive Intermediates in Proteins
5:00 pm Photo Session
6:00 pm Dinner Janet Lynn's Bistro, 92 King Street

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