Dalhousie University
August 24-25, 1997

The Second Annual RISE Workshop was held on August 24-25, 1997, at Dalhousie University. Nine of the 1997 RISE Scholars gave talks on their summer projects, and fielded questions from the audience. The presentations were all outstanding and the ensuing discussions spirited. Congratulations to all! Talks were also presented by Professors Art Szabo (University of Windsor) and Glen Loppnow (University of Alberta), who joined the programme this year. The day ended with dinner at The Five Fishermen restaurant in downtown Halifax. The next day, a short symposium was held at which several of the faculty participants gave talks on their current research.

Several special guests attended the two day Workshop in addition to the RISE Scholars and faculty participants. These included Dr. Jeff Banks of Diagnostic Chemicals, Dr. Trevor Clarke of St. Jean Photochemicals, Inc., and Professors Don Arnold and Jim Pincock of Dalhousie University. Several other faculty and grad students from Dal attended as well.

Two new awards were presented this year on the basis of the students' talks. The award for Best Presentation was decided on by the students, and given to David Michels of the University of Windsor. An award for Best Scientific Content, which was selected by the panel of special guests, was given to Hans Osthoff of the University of Victoria.

The 1997 RISE Group owes special thanks to Professor Jim Pincock of Dalhousie University, who made sandwiches for everyone on Sunday, and Dalhousie graduate students Wendy Ortiz Ojeda, Elaine Adams, Suzanne Shea and Melanie O'Neill, who did a lot of the legwork involved in preparing for the Symposium.


Saturday August 23

8:30-11 pm Business meeting (faculty participants only)

Sunday August 24

9:00 am Welcome Fran Cozens
9:10 am Art Szabo Fluorescence of Tryptophan Analogs to Study Protein-Protein Interactions
10:00 am Sonia Aggarwal The Effects of Conjugation to Polycyclic Aromatic Rings on the Reactivity of Benzylic-Type Cations
10:20 am Coffee Break
10:40 am Michelle Chretien The Chemistry of Reactive Silenes Derived from a-Silyl Ketenes
11:00 am David Hambly Studies of Acid Diffusion in Polymer Films
11:20 am Ed Harder Photoreduction of ortho-Quinones and Studies of Calixarene/Quinone Complexation
11:40 am Hans Osthoff Probing the Catalytic Ability of Cation-Exchanged Y-Zeolites via Photodecarboxylation of Diaryl Acetic Acids
12:00 pm Lunch
1:20 pm David Michels Rapid Geminate Ligand Recombination in Horseradish Peroxidase
1:40 pm Vishakha Monga Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Nucleic Acid Structure, Interactions and Photochemistry: Thymine and Thymidine
2:00 pm Valentin Zunic Effect of Cyclodextrin Complexation on the Photochemistry of a-Guaiacoxyacetoveratrone
2:20 pm Coffee Break
2:40 pm Glen Loppnow The Importance of a Structured Environment
3:30 pm Photo Session
5:30 pm Dinner The Five Fishermen Restaurant

Monday August 25

9:10 am Tito Scaiano Mechanistic Aspects of 'Living' Free Radical Polymerization and Initiation Mediated by Nitroxides
10:00 am Cornelia Bohne Effect of Magnetic Fields on the Dynamics of Random Radical Encounters in the Presence of Micelles
10:50 am Coffee Break
11:10 am Ann English What Really is the Role of Cytochrome c Peroxidase in Vivo?
12:00 pm Bob McClelland Correlation of the Reactivity of Arylnitrenium Ions with Arylamine Carcinogenicity?
12:50 pm Willie Leigh Reactive Intermediates Containing Multiple Bonds to Silicon and Germanium
1:40 pm Closing Remarks
1:45 pm Lunch

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