University of Alberta
August 27-29, 1999

The Fourth Annual RISE Workshop was held on August 27-29, 1999, at the University of Alberta, the first RISE Workshop to be held in Western Canada. The Workshop began on Friday evening with a seminar by Prof. Neil Branda of the Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta. His talk, entitled "Designing and Controlling the Components of Molecular Machinery", provided an insight into a rapidly expanding new area of chemistry, nanochemistry and the development of molecular machines. The next day comprised the presentations by the 1999 RISE Scholars on their summer work. These were all exceptional. The final talk of the day was given by Prof. Norman Dovichi of the Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta. "The Chemistry of Single Enzyme Molecules" answered the nagging question of whether individual molecules of the same enzyme all behave identically (apparently they don't, but the average properties are invariant). The day ended (at least for the faculty) with dinner at The Ritchie Mill Restaurant overlooking the North Saskatchewan River.

The Fourth RISE Workshop incorporated a new social event, a trip to Jasper National Park, on the Sunday following the conference. Most of the faculty and students made the trip and had a terrific, if exhausting, time visiting the top of Whistler's Mountain and Mount Edith Cavell glacier. It was agreed to try something like this at all future RISE Workshops.

The 1999 RISE Group owes special thanks to the Edmonton Local Section of the CIC, University of Alberta, and Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta for hosting the meeting and providing support for the workshop, and Ms. Annabelle Wiseman, who was responsible for much of the organization of the Workshop.

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