Post-doctoral positions available

Alan Kenwright (
Thu, 16 May 1996 14:47:21 +0100 (BST)

Dear All,

I am posting this on behalf of Professor Robin Harris, who has funding
for two post-doctoral positions tenable at the University of Durham,
Durham, UK, from 1 September 1996. Briefly, the posts are:-

1) Fluorine-19 NMR of solids
Development of techniques and applications, including
high-power proton decoupling and CRAMPS.
Tenable for 2 years.

2) NMR of Ceramic Materials
Part of an EU "Training and mobility of Researchers" network.
Tenable for up to 3 years.
For this fellowship applicants must be citizens of an EU
country other than the UK.

Anyone interested should contact Professor Robin Harris by email
( as soon as possible.


Alan M Kenwright Phone: +44-191-374-2595
IRC in Polymer Science and Technology FAX: +44-191-374-4651
University of Durham
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE