Re: labelling spectra: transmit a portable format

John Ralph (
Tue, 9 Jul 1996 16:12:08 -0500

Regarding Peter's plotting question (and the notes from Jane Strouse and=
Mick Grzonka):
The best thing to do is have an application that reads postscript -- it is=
not a dead end as Mick suggests. I highly recommend Adobe Illustrator, at=
least on the Mac.

My original reply to Peter...

DON'T DO THIS! is my best suggestion. Save the spectrum to disk in UXNMR or=
 XWIN-NMR as a postscript file (just set up a printer for ps using cfpp),=
 transfer that to the Mac using, say, Fetch (Dartmouth free-ware (for=
 academics), and pull it right into Adobe Illustrator. If there is any=
 problem, "Distill" it first to an Adobe pdf file with Adobe Distiller=
 (comes free with PageMaker) and then pull that into Illustrator. It works=
 perfectly and your figures will look a million times better than if you=
 scan them! Canvas will probably read the eps too although don't count on it=

See Ralph, J. The advantage of fully digital NMR and pulsed field gradients.= The NMR Newsletter 1996, 452, 11-12. or Ralph, J. NMR of synthetic lignins with NMR-invisible methoxyl groups.= The NMR Newsletter 1996, 452, 13-14.

An alternative method via hpgl's is described in: Ralph, J. From UNIX to Mac. T.A.M.U. NMR Newsletter 1992, 409, 9-10.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Ralph US Dairy Forage Research Center, USDA-ARS and Dept. of Forestry 1925 Linden Drive West Univ. of= Wisconsin, Madison Madison, WI 53706 (608) 264-5407 FAX (608) 264-5275 -------------------------------------------------------------------------