New version of MestRe-C (Freeware)

F. Javier Sardina (
Fri, 6 Aug 1999 08:59:10 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear colleagues,

The MestRe-C Development Team is proud to present the new version of our
NMR processing software, MestRe-C 2.0. It has been completely redesigned,
enhanced and improved, so it is in fact a completely new program. Before we
jump to the 2D/3D version (that will be MestRe-C 3.0) we wanted to increase the
power of MestRe-C for 1D spectral edition. We hope to have achieved this goal
with version 2.0.

As always, MestRe-C is free, but we would like to ask you to register with us
(by sending an e-mail with your name and postal address to: if
you are a MestRe-C user, to help us convince the University of Santiago de
Compostela to keep funding the developmnet of MestRe-C.

New Features

-A new, more comfortable interface
-You can work with more than one spectrum on the same window at the same time
-MestRe-C is now an OLE container; you can attach any chemical structure or
image to the spectrum
-A more powerful spin simulation algorithm using the composite particle
-Calculation of T1 and kinetics analysis
-Very large FID/Spectra can now be processed. The only limit is the computer
memory available
-Print Preview functionality has been implemented
-A new, improved autophase algorithm that optimizes both zero and first
order phase parameters has been implemented
-The appearence of the spectrum, fonts, colors,... is now fully customizable
-You can now listen to the sound of your FID's
-Measurement of signal to noise ratios and peak widths at half height
-Calculation of Magnitude and Power spectra is now possible
-Baseline correction: an autofit polynomial correction has been implemented
-Integration: manual and automatic correction of the lineshapes have been
...and many many more. Just run the program and check them out !!

You can download now MestRe-C 2.0 from:


In the next few days MestRe-C 2.0 will also be available from the following

Oviedo (Spain):

Madrid (Spain):

CCL (Ohio, USA):

For comments, suggestions, bug reports, criticisms ..., please write to:

Happy NMR processing!

The MestRe-C Development Team

F. Javier Sardina Phone:(+34)-981-563100 Ext. 14234
Departamento de Quimica Organica Phone:(+34)-981-591085
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Fax: (+34)-981-595012
15706 Santiago de Compostela E-mail: