Dr. Stijn Fias
- Research:
- Coming soon!
- Background:
- Coming soon!
- Scholarships and Funding:
- Marie Curie Individual Global Fellowship
- Email:
- Coming soon!
- Link:
Graduate Students
Matthew Chan
- Research:
- Automatic derivation and evaluation of second-quantized expressions
- Low-memory Density Fitting algorithms
- Direct optimization of the 1DM
- Background:
- B.Sc. Carleton University. 2011
- Scholarships and Funding:
- NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship
- Email:
- Link:
Kumru Dikmenli
- Research:
- New tools for interpreting chemical binding
- Background:
- B.Sc. Bogazici University. 2014
- M.Sc. Bogazici University. 2015
- Scholarships and Funding:
- International Excellence Award
- Email:
- Link:
Cristina E. Gonzalez Espinoza
- Research:
- Energy extrapolation with range separation
- Linear constraints on the density and related properties
- Background:
- B.Sc. Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos. 2011
- Scholarships and Funding:
- CONACyT Graduate Fellowship. 2013-2016
- International Excellence Award. 2016-2017
- Email:
- Link:
Farnaz Heidar-Zadeh
- Research:
- Designing new machine learning methods for chemical properties
- Information-theory approaches to population analysis and chemical reactivity
- Fundamental aspects of density functional theory (collaboration with Prof. Mel Levy)
- (Re)defining fundamental chemical concepts (collaboration with Prof. Carlos A Cardenas)
- Multi-reference configuration interaction methods (collaboration with Dr. James Anderson)
- Quantum theory of atoms in molecules
- Background:
- M.Sc. Shahid Beheshti University. 2010
- B.Sc. Shahid Beheshti University. 2007
- Scholarships and Funding:
- NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. 2013-2016
- Email:
- Link:
David Kim
- Research:
- Geminals
- Density Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithm
- Valence Bond Theory
- Background:
- B.Sc. Mcmaster University. 2013
- Email:
- Link:
Sophie Kervazo
- Research:
- Using relativistic quantum chemistry to study the chemical properties of heavy elements.
- Background:
- B.Sc. Université Rennes. 2015
- M.Sc. Université d'Angers. 2013
- Email:
- Link:
Caitlin Lanssens
- Research:
- 2-electron density matrices from geminal wavefunctions
- Background:
- B.Sc. Ghent University. 2014
- Email:
- Link:
Fanwang Meng
- Research:
- A QM/MM method for lead compound optimization
- Applications of machine learning in modern drug discovery
- Background:
- B.Sc. Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine 2012
- M.Sc. Shanghai University and Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2016
- Scholarships and Funding:
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship. 2016-2017
- Russell Bell Travel Award in 2019
- McMaster University Graduate Entrance Scholarship
- The Edwin Dalley Fellowship
- Email:
- Link:
Ahmed Mohammed
- Research:
- Finite Field Methods for Calculation of Nonlinear Optical Properties
- Background:
- M.Sc. McMaster University. 2013
- Email:
- Link:
Anand Patel
- Research:
- Tools to solve reaction networks, simultaneous equilibria
- Background:
- B.Sc. McMaster University. 2016
- Scholarships and Funding:
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship. 2016-2017
- Email:
- Link:
Michael Richer
- Research:
- geminals-based methods for strong electron correlation
- Background:
- B.Sc. Laurentian University. 2015
- Email:
- Link:
Derrick Yang
- Research:
- An efficient method for transition state search and structure optimization
- Background:
- B.Sc. Hunan Normal University. 2014
- Scholarships and Funding:
- International Excellence Award. 2016-2017
- Email:
- Link:
Yilin Zhao
- Research:
- The Density Matrix Renormalization Group and Tensor Network algorithms in chemistry of heavy elements
- Background:
- B.Sc. Jilin University. 2014
- Email:
- Link:
Undergraduate Students
Nadin Abbas
- Research:
- Organic molecule formation in astrochemical systems.
- Background:
- B.Sc. McMaster University, In progress
- Email:
- Link:
Ali Tehrani
- Research:
- Numerical Integration methods for many-electron systems
- Background:
- B.Sc. McMaster University, In progress
- Email:
- Link:
Visiting Students
Gabriela Sánchez-Díaz
- Research:
- Reaction-path finding
- Background:
- B.Sc. University of Havana, Cuba. 2013
- Email:
- Link:
Ramón Alain Miranda Quintana
- Research:
- Conceptual DFT
- Background:
- B.Sc. InSTEC Cuba. 2011
- Email:
- Link: