Re: HP 7550A Plotter Help

A.R.Garber, NMR Services (
3 Jan 94 10:51:59 EST5EDT

I also use ceramic tip pens in the 3 HP-7550 plotters in use in my
nme lab. I use HP sureplot pens bought through a local compuper
store or drtafting supply store. They are expensive, $16.20 per
package of 4 pens, but they last a lot of plots (tall resevoir,
comparable to tall liquid ink drafting pens). We use pens with HP's
carousel for liquid ink drafting pens, it seems to give reasonable
pen pressure for these pens. We have had no problem with thse pens
drying out - they were left in the plotters over the holidays with no
ill effects, and I can assure you that not all the instruments were
heavily use over the holidays!) We do occaisionally replace the
boots in the carousels (HP PN 5061-7636). The part numbers for a
few of the pens are as follows:
.35 Black 17763V
.50 Black 17764V
.35 Blue 17773V
.35 Red 17793V
.35 Green 17783V
Note that these pens are too long to use in the HP 7475 plotter. We
use Pentel CHP ceramic tip pens in the 7475 plotters.

Dr. A.R. Garber Phone: (803)-777-2088
NMR Services FAX: (803)-777-9521
Dept. of Chemistry
University of S. Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208