Reading nmrnet files on amx system?

Steven G. Smith (
Tue, 22 Nov 1994 14:37:39 -0500

We are using the nmrnet program developed by C. E. Cottrell at Ohio State
to transfer files from our Aspect computers to networked IBM PC's. The
data files are transfered in a format compatable with bruker kermit. Some
of our users would like to move these files to our X32 AMX500 system and
work with them there, but I can't get the uxnmr commands "conv" or "btran"
to recognize these as Aspect data files. I'm using the nmrnet binary mode
to get the data onto the PC, then a binary FTP to the X32. We are using
the 920801 version of uxnmr.

Has anyone else tried this or does anyone have any suggestions on what
to try?

Steve Smith