Re: Looking for Hard Disk replacement (MSL300)

Graham Barlow (
Wed, 16 Aug 95 16:39:17 BST

In reply to 16 Aug msg from (Marcelino Bernardo)

>I think that the Hitachi DK512 drive on our MSL300 has had a
>number of head crashes judging from the numerous dropouts around
>cylinders 127 and others.

>1. Are there other suppliers of the Hitachi drive or anything
>compatible with the disk controller?

I picked up a flyer at the 12th Int NMR Meeting in Manchester the other
month from a British distributor, JWC, that says:

"Computer field services of Wakefield Ma. U.S.A. offer a ranger of
replacement (disk) units... for Aspect 2000 and 3000 computers"

They advertise 160 Mb and 380Mb replacements for the HK512, amongst
other things. I did ask the prices but don't remember the figures
except that they were very cheap compared with Bruker prices (but
expensive compared to what you would pay for a drive for an SGI or a PC
- as expected).

If you cannot track down the US firm you might be able to get info about
a US distributor from:

Mike Cassidy
JWC Scientifuc
Fourth Ave.
Team Valley Trading Est.
NE11 0SF
Tel: +44 191 491 4519
Fax: +44 191 491 0935

Note that I have no link with JWC and have never actually bought
anything from them, but they do have a stand at NMR meetings. I'm sure
there must be other suppliers out there too.


Graham Barlow

| Dr. Graham Barlow | |
| NMR Service Manager | e-mail: |
| Dept. of Chemistry | Telephone: +44 (0)1904 432506 DDI |
| University of York | Fax: +44 (0)1904 432516 |
| Heslington, YORK, UK | WWW: |
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