Xspec always operates in absolute intensity mode. That is, all calculations
are done in double precession, and so no parameter is needed to set it into an
absolute scale. To see the absolute values, you just need to change the
"yaxis" to absolute intensitiey via the "units" command. So, the integral
values are always calculated in absolute value mode and so are the peak
intensities. If you execute the "report" command the values are given in both
normalized and absolute values.
-- ================================================================== Joseph Meier, Ph.D. Senior NMR Software ScientistBruker Instruments Inc. USA Billerica, MA. 01821
Phone: 508-667-9580 Fax: 508-663-9177
jem@bii.bruker.com Internet !{uunet,ulowell}!bii!jem UUCP =================================================================