Re: Configuration Problems
Wed, 17 May 1995 06:45:55 +0200 (MSZ)

Julian Keates wrote:

> Our group has an Indy and an ASPECTstation, both of which run UXNMR. We
> are trying to set up two data areas, /u/data (on the INDY) and /v/data
> (on the ASPECT) and export /u/data to the ASPECT and /v/data to the INDY.
> The directory is then mounted on the particular machine.

> can also 'cat' files. Additionally, UXNMR runs without problem on the
> ASPECTstation and can acces both /v/data (on the ASPECT) and /u/data
> (on the INDY).
> Our problem is that UXNMR on the INDY cannot access those files on the ASPECT
> correctly - the problem seems to be with files greater than 8K in size.

When mounting disks exported by ASPECTstations on SGI machines (INDY)
use the additional option rsize=4096, wsize=4096 and everything works fine.
In /etc/fstab (on the SGI) these options can be appended at the other nfs
options, resulting in an entry which may look like:
asp:/u /v nfs rw,soft,bg,rsize=4096,wsize=4096 0 0

Werner Mausshardt			E-mail:
Software Department			Tel: +49 721 5161 448
Bruker Analytische Messtechnik GmbH	Fax: +49 721 5161 437