more remote printing...

agi ((no email))
Thu, 25 May 95 18:45:10 BST

Martin Waugh asked the question:

to persuade it, or unix itself, to use lpr instead. Has anyone
successfully either made UXNMR use lpr, or make unix send data sent to
lp go to lpr instead? .....

The answer is yes - using a plot code generator to generate the plot data on
the local machine, a script file can be used to automatically send this data
on to the remote printer - using lpr or whatever is available on your

Further details are available from the bruker ftp server:

(If anyone has difficulty getting this file I would be happy to email them
a copy - please use the address below not BUM!)

Note that this facility is not available in all versions of uxnmr (I have only
tried it in XWINNMR!) - if this is the case for you, you must use the lpr
command (or whatever) manually, or you could automate this activity with cron
to look for, print, and delete the accumulated plot files.

Andrew Gibbs

Dr Andrew Gibbs Phone: +44 (0) 1203 855 200
NMR Support Chemist Fax: +44 (0) 1203 465 317
Bruker Spectrospin Ltd email:
Banner Lane
Coventry CV4 9GH
