NMR Fan Project

Stefan Berger (BERGER@ps1515.chemie.uni-marburg.de)
Sat, 22 Mar 1997 17:18:19 MDT

This is a little note about our NMR FAN project. All of us know the
problems which arise from stuck fans in our instruments. A rather
elaborate way to prevent these was worked out by our electronic people
and put on the net in some informative web pages. If you are
interested you can reach these via my home page given below or
directly to http://www.chemie.uni-marburg.de/~ewfb15/fan/fanpro_e.html

Prof. Dr. Stefan Berger Phone: +49 6421 285520
Fachbereich Chemie Fax: +49 6421 288917
Universitaet Marburg email: berger@ps1515.chemie.
Hans Meerwein Strasse uni-marburg.de
D-35032 Marburg home page: http://sg1508.chemie.
Germany uni-marburg.de/~stb/stb.html