NMR Spectroscopist vacancy at York U., UK

Graham Barlow (gkb1@bohr.york.ac.uk)
Mon, 19 May 1997 12:51:20 +0100

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Applications are invited for the post of Experimental Officer in NMR
Spectroscopy, with effect from 1st August 1997 or as soon as possible
thereafter. Applicants should have considerable experience in modern NMR=

methods and good communication and computing skills.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the departmental facilities for solution and solid-state
NMR and for the training of new users; he or she will liaise with researc=
groups, foster the development of state-of-the-art NMR methods, advise on=

the purchase of new equipment, and manage the external service, including=

data acquisition and spectral interpretation.

The Department's NMR facility includes 4 high-field spectrometers (Bruker=

500, 400, 300, Jeol 270 HMz). In addition to high-resolution liquids
spectroscopy, CP-MAS and wide-line solids experiments are undertaken.

The appointment will be made at the level of Experimental Officer
(=A317,606-=A322,785) or Senior
Experimental Officer (=A323,691-=A327,985), according to
experience. Applicants are asked to submit six copies (one only from
overseas) of a full curriculum vitae, together with the names of three
referees, to the Director of Personnel, University of York, Heslington,
York YO1 5DD from whom further information should be obtained. The
closing date for applications is Wednesday 18 June. Informal enquiries
may be made to Professor B C Gilbert (tel 01904-432500, fax 01904-432605,=

or e-mail bcg1@york.ac.uk. General information about the NMR service, th=
Department and the University is available at

-- =

[ Dr. Graham Barlow, NMR Service Manager - gkb1@york.ac.uk ]
[ Chemistry Dept. U of York, York, YO15DD. UK | Tel: 01904 432506 ]
[ http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/chem/nmr/ | Mobile: 0402 181253 ]
[ http://www.york.ac.uk/~gkb1/ | Fax: 01904 432516 ]
