Re: Is it possible to port XwinNMR to Linux ?....
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 08:39:15 -0600 (CST)

> How could this possibly help Mac users? Most of our off-line processers break
> into a bit of a sweat when using the Mac, run a mile rather than use a DOS or
> Windows machine and would probably expire altogether if they had to use Linux!

I believe that Linux has been recently ported to the Mac :-)

As far as using Linux goes, it is possible to set up what is
essentially a turnkey system that will take the user directly to the
desired software, in this case xwinnmr. My feeling about computers and
modern chemists is that, since computers have worked their way into almost
all aspects of modern laboratory work, chemists should have at least a
basic understanding of how to use one and not be afraid to do so (IMHO).

Keith Brown
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan