user management for quicknmr

Don Leek (
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 15:11:54 -0400 (EDT)

I am running xwinnmr1.3 on a DRX-400. I have been attempting
to set user permissions for quicknmr. From reading the manual
I assumed that this could be done using 'eduser'. However, the
list of experiments that I define using 'eduser' is not the same
as the list of experiments that comes up when I click on the
'experiment' icon from within quicknmr. I assume then that
'eduser' is only used to set permissions for the sample changer.

Here are my questions:
What file do I have to edit to define a list of experiments that
are available to a particular user in quicknmr?
Is it possible to define new composite experiments for quicknmr?


Donald M. Leek
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences
National Research Council Canada