xwinnmr2.1 on Mac

Frode Rise (frode.rise@kjemi.uio.no)
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 15:15:24 +0100

Dear Bruker users

After finally managing getting xwinnmr1.3 to function on our PCs with
Hummingbird exceed 6.0.1 (settings available upon requests) I have started
loading xwinnmr 2.1 on our INDYS.

The first time I tried MacX1.5 with xwinnmr 2.1 it actually worked
(contary to xwinnmr1.3) on my Powermac 6100/60 (MacOs 8 72 Mb ram, 256
colors selected).

However the xwinnmr window is too large for the 17"screen. (too few pixels
(832 x 624) on this mac).

And with the mac mouse I can not resize the xwinnmr window.

Is there anyonone that have solved these problems? Which settings does
allow resizing of the xwinnmr window and what kind of mouse with three
buttons is working properly with Xwinnmr/MacX1.5?

All help will be received with many thanks!

Frode Rise

Associate Prof. Frode Rise
Department of Chemistry
University of Oslo
PO Box 1033 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo Norway
Phone: + (47) 228 55514
Fax: + (47) 228 55507