Whitewashed Stackplot Postscript Files

S. M. Schoberth (s.schoberth@fz-juelich.de)
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 14:08:40 +0200

Does anybody know how to solve this problem:

Using XWINPLOT/XWINNMR allows to create beautifully
whitewashed stackplots. However, when I print such a
plot into a postscript file and import this into
Coreldraw, all curves each have the same tiny linewidth
of 0.00005 inch (0.001 mm), independent of the
linewidth I had chosen in XWINPLOT' editor for curves.

And trying to increase the linewidth using Coreldraw
does not help either: after ungrouping the whole imported
object, selecting the curves, and setting Coreldraw's pen to
say 0.2 mm, the spectra do not look good any more,
because they are filled with rectangles all over.

Can anybody help?

Thanks, Siegfried Schoberth

| Siegfried M. Schoberth (PhD)
| Institute of Biotechnology 1
| Research Center Juelich (FZJ)
| D-52425 Juelich/Germany
| Phone: +49-2461-61-5568
| Fax: +49-2461-61-3870
| Email: s.schoberth@fz-juelich.de