Whitewashed Stackplot Postscript Files

S. M. Schoberth (s.schoberth@fz-juelich.de)
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 15:31:22 +0200

I found the following solution to my problem
(see quotation at the end of this mail):
instead of Coreldraw I am using Micrografx Designer
to import and edit postscript files. Everthing is
Special thanks are due to David Vander Velde
(dave@kunmr.chem.ukans.edu), Edwin Rivera
(e-rivera1@nwu.edu), James Howard (jhoward@mtsu.edu),
John Ralph (jralph@facstaff.wisc.edu), and Konstantin
Momot (momot@u.arizona.edu) who where generous with
their suggestions.

| Siegfried M. Schoberth (PhD)
| Institute of Biotechnology 1
| Research Center Juelich (FZJ)
| D-52425 Juelich/Germany
| Phone: +49-2461-61-5568
| Fax: +49-2461-61-3870
| Email: s.schoberth@fz-juelich.de

At Tue, 28 Apr 1998 14:08:40 +0200 I wrote:

>Does anybody know how to solve this problem:
> Using XWINPLOT/XWINNMR allows to create beautifully
>whitewashed stackplots. However, when I print such a
>plot into a postscript file and import this into
>Coreldraw, all curves each have the same tiny linewidth
>of 0.00005 inch (0.001 mm), independent of the
>linewidth I had chosen in XWINPLOT' editor for curves.
> And trying to increase the linewidth using Coreldraw
>does not help either: after ungrouping the whole imported
>object, selecting the curves, and setting Coreldraw's pen to
>say 0.2 mm, the spectra do not look good any more,
>because they are filled with rectangles all over.
> Can anybody help?
>Thanks, Siegfried Schoberth