
Charles L. Anderson (shiulong@bayou.uh.edu)
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 10:57:28 -0500

We seem to have a problem here with our GE QE-300. This is the second time
this problem has occured. We are observing that during acqusition the odd
FID's look fine and put look normal when the FID is processed. However,
when we look at the odd number FID's it appears that the even # are being
substracted from the odd. The resulting spectrum has very little signal to
work with.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Have we toggled a software
switch some where?
Any help we can get would get my many thanks


Charles L. Anderson, Ph.D.
Manager NMR Facilities
Department of Chemistry
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5641
Office: (713)-743-2728
Fax: (713)-743-2709

"Anything one man can imagine
others can make true"
Jules Verne