Xwinnmr and Irix updates

john decatur (decatur@quito.chem.columbia.edu)
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 11:23:12 -0400

Dear Bummers:

I've got a question regarding Xwinnmr compatability with Irix updates. To
improve computer security, our departmental computer manager wants me to
upgrade the OS on my Indys to Irix 6.5. The problem is that Bruker has
told me that one must have Xwin 2.5 with Irix 6.5 - that Xwin1.3, which is
what we are still running, will not work. Has anyone updated their OS on
an SGI to Irix 6.5 (or even 6.3?) while still running Xwinnmr 1.3? What
are the problems? The problem with upgrading the Xwin software is that
Bruker wants $700 per cpu for Xwin2.5 (academic price). Does anybody think
Xwin2.5 is worth the price?

Finally, what are people's thoughts about the security improvement provided
by Irix 6.5? Thanks for your input.


John Decatur, Ph. D.
NMR Facility Manager
Department of Chemistry
3000 Broadway, Mailcode 3179
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
212-854-2155 (voice)
212-932-1289 (fax)