I have some back copies of NMR journals to dispose of at no charge other
than shipping.
They are:
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Vol 21 - Vol 51 inclusive. All bound into
years. (1976-1988)
" " " Vol 52 - Vol 100
inclusive. Unbound copies (1989-1992)
Organic Magnetic Resonance Vols 6-18 inclusive All bound into years
Vol 25 to current in loose copies, but
Progress in NMR Vols 12-24, unbound, and not complete, but
probably 90% are there.
This is a first come, first served offer. I want to get rid of complete
runs only please.
Derek Kennedy
derek_kennedy@merck.com <mailto:derek_kennedy@merck.com> Please note there
is an _ between derek and kennedy
tel (44) 01992-452179 miss the leading zero if 'phoning from abroad