Re: Interleaved measurements

Frode Rise (
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 14:08:56 +0100

>Hi all,
>I wonder if someone of you have experience with so called "interleaved"
>acquisition (i.e. when the signals from two (or more) nuclei are acquired at
>the same time) on AMX/DMX/DSX instruments.
>I need to run a kinetics, but I'd like to acquire signals from 13C(or 31P)
>1H at the same time (or shifted apart not more than a second or so).
>to say that I can not use signals from two separate runs. The signals in
>channel are sufficiently strong to be registered from a single scan, there
>no need for decoupling and there are no complications from relaxation. But
>it has to be done fast. It takes less than 50-100 seconds for reaction to
>complete, so I need some fast way to switch acquisition channels during
>the experiment.
>One possible way I can think about, is to generate a bunch of data sets,
>that the odd numbered ones have parameters for protons, and the even
>numbered - for 13C. Then I need just to run an AU, say MULTIZG. This works,
>but it takes quite a long time for computer to switch from one data set to
>another, so delay between two consecutive scans is newer shorter than 5-6
>seconds, which is way too long. Processing of such sets is not much fun
>Here is my question: Is any way to do this faster and in more efficient way?
>Or maybe you already have a pulse/AU program you are willing to share?
>Any suggestions are very welcome.
>Thank you,
>Igor Moudrakovski
>Research Officer
>Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences
>National Research Council
>Ottawa, K1A 0R6

Dear Igor

A colleague of mine - Per Olav Kvernberg, at the Univ. of Oslo, has the
following response to your question (Per Olav has been struggeling a lot
with the same problem as you have):

In a Bruker training course a pulse program was used as an example.
pulse program is a 1D sequence with alternating X and H observation. It
generates a 2D data file with td1 rows alternating one with X data, the
other with 1H data. The pulse program was called
switchf1f2.hf and was written by Hans Förster at Bruker, Karlsruhe. His
e-mail is I would prefer if you asked him to send you a copy
of the program, if you cannot find it with ftp at Bruker.

mvh, mfG, best regards
Per Olav

Per Olav Kvernberg
Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo (room V168,V102)
Voice: +47 22 85 54 18 (or 55689/55452) Fax: +47 22 85 54 41
privat: 22 35 14 22
Mail: Postboks 1033 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway

F. Rise

Frode Rise
Department of Chemistry
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1033 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo