I guess in summary, 1) NO vibrations is best, 2) Don't assume the ground
floor will be vibration free, and 3) Good vibration dampers will make a
Good Luck!
> We are in the process of designing a new addition to our building and
>there are those who would have me relocate the nmr lab from its current
>location in the basement to the third floor of the new building. Since I
>have always thought that cryomagnets should be located on a vibration free
>surface, this suggestion disturbs me. Are there any of you who have any
>opinions/horror stories/suggestions concerning this topic?
>Keith Brown
>University of Saskatchewan
>Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
>Pinky: What shall we do tonight, Brain?
>Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky ... try to take over the
Jeffrey H. Walton
Assistant Research Physicist
One Shields Ave.
UCD NMR Facility
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-7794 (office)
(530) 754-9064 (lab)
(530) 752-8109 (FAX)
NMR Facility URL http://www.nmr.ucdavis.edu