X/32 monitor

Bill Gurley ELEC-SHOP (gurley@novell.chem.utk.edu)
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:38:56 -0400

We have an "external workstation" with our 1992 vintage X/32.
Not a true workstation, but a TTY terminal with a graphics
terminal that connects to an extra display card in the X/32.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a replacement monitor?
I think the monitor is the same as the one in the console. I
recall trying once to connect a 19" IBM monitor that had RGB
inputs and it would not work. (It was from an old IBM RISC-
6000.) What WILL work that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?



Bill Gurley, Supervisor of Technical Services bgurley@utk.edu
Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1600 phone 423-974-3145