XWIN2.5 & PV2.0 in TrueColor on O2

Mon, 16 Aug 1999 11:20:15 -0400


I would like to set my SGI O2 to TrueColor visual (16bit or 24bit) since
some of my programs do not display correctly under PseudoColor. But
Bruker's XWIN2.5 and ParaVision 2.0 refuse to run under TrueColor
VisualClass. Is there a way to work around this, say start XW2.5 or PV2.0
in PseudoColor while O2 root window is TrueColor (how?); or have two
displays running at same time, one in TrueColor, one in PseudoColor, and
switch between them (How to do this? I know you can re-start X-server with
a different VisualClass, but how to switch without logout and kill all the
processes, e.g. NMR acquisition?)

If there other people interested in this subject, I will post a summary of
the responses. Thanks in advance!
