Re: NFS for NT( server ) to Unix

Robert D Scott (
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 11:14:03 CST


Like Kirk and Yuri, we use SAMBA and ws-ftp to look at data in the pc

>What is used by the rest of the Bruker fraternity to keep meddling
>hands off the acquisition instruments?
I've disabled plotting from the instruments computers. Tried enabling
it a couple of months ago, and within two weeks plotters were delaying
acquisitions. Too bad really, because during long acquisitions you
could more conveniently plot from the console without delaying other
spectroscopists. Since computers are < 1% the price of spectrometers,
doing all processing off line seems to pay for itself.


dave scott
iowa state university

"Always settle for third best. The best never comes, and second best comes
too late" Watson Watt, asked how radar was developed so quickly.