NT Service Pack 6

Jos van Boxtel (jos@bruker.de)
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 09:56:05 +0100

Dear all,

we want to inform you that there is a serial bug in
Service Pack 6 for Windows NT. The setup procedure of
Service Pack 6 installs a defectice TCP stack causing
network socket oriented applications to fail.

This also has influence on "XWIN-NMR for NT" installations which
can be observed as follows:

XWIN-NMR startup will fail if your account is not member of
the "Administrators" group. The X server Exceed starts up
but XWIN-NMR does not, with an error message that Exceed
is not installed. Even if Exceed is already running XWIN-NMR
will complain that there is no X server found.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT 4.0
Service Pack 6. (See the related article at
for further information.)

We highly recommend not to install SP6 on your NT workstations
and to await the upcoming Service Pack 6a. Note that SP6a has been
released yet only for the US version of NT. Please have a look at
the Microsoft web site for download options.

Kind regards,

Jos van Boxtel

... ... Jos van Boxtel
. * . . Software Department
. . . . Bruker Analytik GmbH
B R U K E R Silberstreifen
. . . . D-76287 Rheinstetten
. * . . Voice: +49-721-5161-455
Fax: +49-721-5161-480
... ... Email: Jos.vanBoxtel@bruker.de