ARX300 lock window

From: Sato, Bob (
Date: Tue Jan 18 2000 - 09:22:48 PST

Bruker Users -

I have an ARX300 which has been extremely reliable except for one minor
error that recurs with no apparent pattern. 2-3 times a week I will get a
call from a user who has attempted to open a lock window. The lock window
will not appear and instead, the following error message appears:

Error: opening lock connected to
Cannot open slave pty /dev/ttyq2: I/O

I reboot the CPU, ASX32 and CPU/4 and then restart the Indy. After these
steps, the lock window will open, but the lock signal does not appear. After
closing the lock window and re-opening it a second time, the lock signal
then appears in the lock window and the problem is fixed.

I had users type "shmrm" at the conclusion of each session, and later
included "shmrm" in the logoff script, which initially seemed to solve the
problem, but the problem persists. Any suggestions as to the source of this

bob sato


Robert K. Sato, Ph.D.
Research Fellow
Catalytica Inc.
430 Ferguson Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043-5272

Voice: 650.940.6375
FAX: 650.960.0127

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