1H observe, 19F decoupled spectra on a DPX-300

From: bill.eberle@cp.novartis.com
Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 11:35:14 PDT

Dear BUMmers,

Has anyone run a proton observe, 19F irradiated Difference NOE on a DPX-300
(XWINNMR 2.6) with a QNP probe? (I use to be able to run this experiment on
an AMX-400 with a QNP probe).

I have my preferred output for 19F set to X. In EDASP, when I connect the
line from X to X-BB19F-2HS, I get an error message: Warning Connection in
switching box is missing. Likewise, I am unable to run a proton observe
19F decoupled spectrum.

Your thoughts and experiences are appreciated.


Bill Eberle
PO Box 18300
Novartis Crop Protection
Greensboro, NC 27419-8300
Tel 336-632-7569
Fax 336-632-7846

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