Power level question

From: Keith Brown (brownk@chem4823.usask.ca)
Date: Tue Oct 29 2002 - 12:38:41 PST

  While playing at doing some 14N spectroscopy last week I wanted to do
some pulse width calibrations at a couple of different power levels. Under
uxnmr, doing a simple zg and a zgdc, HL1 seems not to affect the power
level of the pulse at all. None of the other power level parameters listed in 'eda'
seem to have any effect as well. What would be the correct power parameter
to use for this purpose, using uxnmr.

Keith Brown
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Some of the more environmentally aware dinosaurs were worried
about the consequences of an accident with the new Iridium-
enriched fusion reactor. "If it goes off, only the cockroaches
and mammals will survive..." they said.

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