Re: XWin-Plot versus "plot" - client always right ....

From: Strelenko Yuri A. (
Date: Wed Nov 20 2002 - 09:18:44 PST

            Dear colleagues,

    It seems that Bruker will newer support old plot/print system. It
was based on HPGL, PostScript is much more powerful language.

    On the other hand, Bruker provides us with ability to write our own
C-routines for processing NMR data via AU-programs. You can see a lot
of examples at /u/exp/stan/nmr/au/src. Every this program can be compiled
(xau) and applied.
    That is why I should consider it most kind if Mike Engelhardt will
extract source code of "edg", "plot", "view" and put it to Bruker's FTP
site for downloading as additional unsupported AU-programs.

        With best wishes and kind regards, Yuri Strelenko.

|   Dr. Yuri A. Strelenko        |                                  |
|   N.D.Zelinsky Institute       |    Fax     (7-095) 135 5328      |
|   of Organic Chemistry,        |    Tel     (7-095) 135 9094      |
|   Leninsky prospect 47,        | e-mail      |
|   119991 Moscow B-334,         |    www |
|          Russia                |                                  |

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