The BUM will live on!

From: Bob Berno <>
Date: Wed May 13 2009 - 08:37:02 EDT
Hello everyone,

I hope that you have all had a chance to follow Jerry Hirschinger's 
suggestion to "... pile on all of the punny BUM jokes we can think of 
before Rudy shuts us off." 

I just wanted to let all of you know that the BUM will live on.  I am in 
the process of having the archives moved/copied to one of our servers 
here at McMaster, and I intend to take over Rudi's task as moderator.

Rudi will keep the archives active on his site for a little while, but 
the archives will soon be moved to:

For the time being, please continue to send you BUM postings to the 
current address <>. 

Once the transition to our site is complete and has been tested, I will 
send out the notice to formally change the email address for future 
postings to:

Because of Rudi's understandable reluctance to share his distribution 
list, I will put out a request that if you would like to continue to 
participate in the BUM, that you please "re-subscribe" to the service.  
To "re-subscribe",  please send an email to:

And with your subscription, please include some information about 
yourself:  your name, your title/position, where you work and a list of 
the Bruker instruments you use.

And finally, I would like to thank Rudi for maintaining this service for 
so many years.  I know that I have made good use of it, and that the BUM 
has definitely been an essential resource. 
Cheers Rudi, and THANK YOU!


Dr. Bob Berno
Manager: McMaster NMR Facility
Department of Chemistry
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON
L8S 4L9
(905) 525-9140 x24158 or x24686
Fax: (905) 522-2509 
Received on Wed May 13 05:43:41 2009

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