Re: BSMS keypad lock ups (fwd)

From: Joseph Dumais <>
Date: Tue Jul 21 2009 - 15:47:47 EDT
Hi George,

We saw that issue in the past and maybe we still have some of that going 
on but I try to go and find the prior users and make sure that they are 
not simply closing XP.  But so many students are in such a big hurry that 
maybe I cannot trust them when they assure me that they are closing 
TOPSPIN first.   We have had users that cannot eject the sample when they 
are finished with a run and they say they have not logged off of TOPSPIN 
at that point.

I am starting to think that this generation feels that everything should 
be fault tolerant and they can do anything they want and stuff should 
still work.  We have condensed and clear instructions but people still 
take every short cut they can think of and they feel free to rearrange the 
order as they seem to see fit and then they end up bringing me this odd 
complaint about some bizarre behavior.

We have a loop back instruction in our 1D 1H command set that allows users 
to run multiple samples and we use a 1H macro to do the rpar and stuff. 
One user complained to me that only his last sample's data file had good 
data in it.  He had reversed the command order and before he wrote a new 
experiment he was recalling an old dummy data set into the current data 
set.  I tried hard to cut this down to one page and as a result there's 
not a lot of explanations in it.  They are in such a hurry that making it 
short was critical but even then that try to take further short cuts 
without really knowing what they are doing.

Oh well. 

Joe Dumais, Ph. D.
Associate Research Professor
Director of Research Instrumentation Facility
Department of Chemistry / University of Nebraska Lincoln
834 Hamilton Hall / PO Box 880304
Lincoln, NE 68588-0304
Phone (402) 472 6255 / Fax (402) 472 9402

Bruker Users Mail <> 
07/21/2009 02:21 PM

Joseph Dumais <>

Re: BSMS keypad lock ups (fwd)


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George Furst; Ph.D.
Assoc. Director Tech. Fac.
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Hi Joe

   We have sen the same thing , its seems topspin sends a single that 
locks up 
the keypad when ended by exiting xp without closing topspin, we can 
just do a reset on the reset button of the keypad. to clear it . Our users 
know learned on pain of death to close topspin before logging off  xp.. we 
running topspin 1.3 patch level 8 on both drx and dmx systems our AVII 
andAVIIIs running linux  don't have a problem


Received on Tue Jul 21 15:47:09 2009

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